307 Birch St. - Animal Shelter & Groomer
Address: 307 Birch Street
Coordinates: B,3 - 7
Owner: For Sale
Type: Commercial - Animal Shelter & Groomer
Property Value
Resources ●● (Comfortable)
Cost of Services
Resources ● (Poor)



The small diagonal parking spaces around this shop are rather cramped. There is a parking lot in the back of the business that provides easier parking. Sometimes one of the decorated RVs that is a mobile grooming vehicle is parked close to the street in the lot for a bit more advertisement. Fairly well lit by the street lamps that are hung with baskets of flowers and seasonal banners that all have Mythic Wood and Birch Street or 3rd Street on them in this area going down the thus named roads. The front window of the combination pet shop, groomer and shelter is home to various pet and pet event related posters and a sign showing the shops hours is posted near the door.


While clean for the most part this large building seems to be a place that sees its share of a mess on occasion. The floors are cream colored tile and the walls are painted a light mint green. Plenty of light is provided to give the place an open and welcoming feel. The noise level is also something easily noticed. Birds of all kinds squawk from their perches, hamsters and rats run around their cages and on their wheels, kittens, and cats mew and puppies and dogs bark from their enclosures. Then there are the more quiet animals such as reptiles, fish, and snakes. Each type of animal has its own section where several of that animal as well as the items needed to care for it are kept. Everything from toys to food and everything in between is sold here for the various types of pets. A door near the back of the shop leads to a separate area where grooming services are offered.


This Animal Shelter is combined with a groomer service. They house animals in need of adoption, a small but just right inventory of anything one needs for the care of house pets and of course the pets themselves. It is a No-Kill service, long standing unwanted cats and dogs go to the many farms and vineyards of the town. to live out the rest of their lives.

All available animals are spayed and neutered. In a partnership with Mythic Wood Animal Hospital.

The business started as a groomer only service. About a generation ago the owner went to the shelter in Coos Bay and saw a dog that just came in that was a mess of matted hair. Other animals as well weren't as polished as they could be and she asked the shelter employee if the animal's appearance could be a factor of why they aren't adopted yet. The answer was yes. The Groomer right then made a deal with the shelter that she would take the animals, groom them up and put them on display in her shop so they would get adopted. So this business was conceived and has been helping needy animals find good homes every since.


Soenso Smith Soenso Smith
Relationship Explaination.


Logs that take place at 307 Birch St. - Fire Department


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